Interview with Ekateryna Lahno |
Monday, 23 July 2012 |

Ekaterina it is a pleasure to see you once again in Armenia. Please share with us your impressions of Jermuk.
The nature and the clean air are truly impressive here and I really like it in Jermuk.
The experts opine that your best Grand Prix performance was in Rostov. How would you assess the quality of your games?
Of course, to date, that has been my best result. I’ll wait until after this tournament to evaluate my overall performance.
What goal have you set for yourself this time around and what expectations of yourself do you have?
My main purpose is to perform well, without paying too much attention to the result.
I think you would agree that in general in the Grand Prix tournaments, worthy and strong players are chosen to participle. Do you consider anyone a favorite?
I think the results say it all. Hou Yifan has demonstrated that she is currently the best.
What would you identify as the most important traits in a person? How do you envision the world champion?
Sincerity, morality, good will…to be honest I cannot enumerate all the traits I consider most important.
I very much like Garry Kasparov. He is a very smart, multi-talented and knowledgeable person.